DATE POSTED: Tursday, June 15, 2023, and I was blessed to be at O’Brien, FL when God inspired me to prepare this devotional. My Footnote will tell you how to find, read or listen to any and all episodes that I have shared over the years.


BY: Ed Algreen


TODAY’S SCRIPTURE FROM THE Contemporary English Version (CEV) IS FOUND IN Nehemiah 4:1-3


THE BIBLE TEXT IS: When Sanballat, the governor of Samaria, heard that we were rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, he became angry and started insulting our people. In front of his friends and the Samaritan army he said, “What is this feeble bunch of Jews trying to do? Are they going to rebuild the wall and offer sacrifices all in one day? Do they think they can make something out of this pile of scorched stones?” Tobiah from Ammon was standing beside Sanballat and said, “Look at the wall they are building! Why, even a fox could knock over this pile of stones.”


MY INITIAL THOUGHTS: Ministering in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is not for the weak or for those who can’t handle ridicule. It’s not because our generation has become hardened, obstinate, or determined to destroy Christians, but merely because Satan is constantly seeking to destroy the work of God, and he brings his army into action to kill, steal and destroy the work of the innocent endeavoring to promote their awesome God. Unfortunately, this is not just a story from the days of Nehemiah, but it is still happening in our churches today. Let’s anticipate blessings as we study how God has already helped others in much the same way that we need His help today.


APPLICATION OF THE WORD: Some would say that you are only criticized if you are doing something worthwhile. I would add that if you are never being criticized, then, it could be that you are just sitting around doing nothing worthwhile. When you take a right stand, you are going to be criticized. Unfortunately, I believe that mankind is very challenged to criticize on something they are very passionate about, without displaying that passion through their questions, help and or suggestions. Passion often comes across as being upset, being frustrated with the individual, or even being angry with the individual. But in the case of our Bible story today, it seems like Sanballat, and his men, felt threatened by the Jews who were rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem. Think about it, if you or I heard about an individual, or a group, who started attending our church, but they came with a history of successes in ministry or in life circumstances, we too would probably keep a close eye on them for any advancements, suggestions, or efforts to take over. Isn’t it unfortunate that we become satisfied in our rut? We realize that God could do a whole lot more through His people than we are prepared to put forth, but we’ve done all that we believe we should do, or we are just plain out tired and overworked, or we are just blinded to new visions of what God can truly do through us. Often lack of feeding on the Word of God will do this to us! But for the one who is diligent about the work of the Lord, let me encourage you, that what God has in store for you, no man can take it from you. Friends, I believe that if we are persistent in the Word of God, and faithful in our communication with the Father, He will fill us with more success in our ministry than we ever thought possible. There wouldn’t be a need for us to stop and pout about what others are doing, for we will be busy in accomplishing all that God has chosen to accomplish through us for His ultimate glory! There’s no time for complaining and whining before God, that’s a tool of the devil to impede the work and distract sinners looking for the peace and handiwork of God. As His agents here on earth, we must be about our Father’s work, not helping to add success to the enemy – Satan.


BLESSINGS WORTH NOTING: While others are waiting to tear down the work God has ordained for us, God is choosing to use us to touch the lives of sinners looking for peace in the midst of their storms of life. Be willing servants, and let God have His way dear friends!


PRAYER BECAUSE OF THE IMPACT OF TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: Lord Jesus, I am thankful that You have chosen to work through simple, but willing servants such as myself. No seminary, and no special skills in the eyes of educated men here on earth, but a willing and surrendered soul willing to allow You to have Your will and way in our lives for the sake of the unsaved reaching out in desperation for a Savior who could redirect their path away from the sins of this world. Only You can save a soul, and only You can direct a man, used to the sin of this world, into the glories of heaven where You are. Please Lord, draw the attention of other believers and myself to remember and recognize the pain of sin that the unsaved may bear, for I believe that it is then that we might see their need for a loving Lord who sits ready to receive them, should they choose to surrender their life to You. The world is hurting, and as children of the Almighty God, we have the answer to this horrific pain. and we should be sharing with the unsaved at every opportunity. Please open their eyes, and humble our hearts as helpful children of the King. Allow the unsaved to see Jesus today. For I ask this in the name, and power of Jesus, my Savior and Lord. AMEN!


FOOTNOTE: There’s another page on my website, entitled ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading or listening to this devotional, please go to this page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin or continue your walk with Jesus. If you would like to read more of my devotionals, or subscribe for a daily email containing each new devotional, please go online to For my podcast, go online to Apple Podcasts or, using the Apple Podcast app, simply search for Nuggets From God’s Word to hear more episodes, or click ‘Follow’ to be notified of Podcast updates. Friends, please allow me to encourage you to find a church home near by your home and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

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