Sew, craft & fellowship every Monday morning.
Conference Room – Call Linda 360-751-7361 for info
FInd help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child,
family member or friend. Meet weekly with others that have experienced loss.
Video seminar, group discussion, a personal workbook and compassionate
leaders make up the support you receive with GriefShare.
Call BFC: 863.385.1024 to register.
A Christ-centered total-wellness program for ladies.
Weigh-in 5:30 pm – Call Sue Richards 765-215-3996 for info
FInd help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child,
family member or friend. Meet weekly with others that have experienced loss.
Video seminar, group discussion, a personal workbook and compassionate
leaders make up the support you receive with GriefShare.
Call BFC: 863.385.1024 to register.
Join with us to pray for His present work here at BFC – Room 1
Weekly seminar/support group for people who are separated or divorced. Books $20. Childcare available – must pre-register.
Children’s Ministry
1st – 5th grades Olympians
3 yrs – Kinderg Gopher Buddies