DATE POSTED: Saturday, June 24, 2023, and I was blessed to be at O’Brien, FL when God inspired me to prepare this devotional. My Footnote will tell you how to find, read or listen to any and all episodes that I have shared over the years.


BY: Ed Algreen


TODAY’S SCRIPTURE FROM THE New Living Translation (NLT) IS FOUND IN 2 Timothy 1:8-9


THE BIBLE TEXT IS: 8 So never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord. And don’t be ashamed of me, either, even though I’m in prison for him. With the strength God gives you, be ready to suffer with me for the sake of the Good News. 9 For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan from before the beginning of time—to show us his grace through Christ Jesus. 


MY INITIAL THOUGHTS: Which word in my title best describes your attitude towards telling the world about the One who saved you from your sin? Fortunately, we have the Word of God, and a trooper like Paul to remind us of what it would take to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. Paul wanted to make sure that Timothy was brave and courageous as he went out to minister without his mentor by his side. Let us take note of Paul’s encouragement and be ready to minister also.


APPLICATION OF THE WORD: Paul knew that sooner or later someone would question Timothy about who sent him to them to minister in the name of Jesus Christ. Knowing that Satan would use any and all abnormal situations in a person’s life to impact the effect of their ministry, Paul wanted to see Timothy well prepared for the inevitable. However, these same challenges still exist today for the child of God who seeks to honor Jesus Christ and have a deep desire to minister in His name. So, I believe that spending some time in thought and meditation will help us to understand Paul’s advice to Timothy, and also how it could impact us. I believe the Holy Spirit caused me to think of some key words in Paul’s message, and in order to better understand and apply this advice, I was led to think of opposites. For example, if we are not ashamed, then we would be bold about our message and not allow anything or anyone to distract us in delivering that message. If we are to be bold in identifying with our mentors, whether it’s Jesus or an earthly mentor, like Paul was to Timothy, then our daily mission would be to imitate them in our words and in our actions. But Paul wanted Timothy to not be ashamed of him, nor the gospel of Jesus Christ. Can you identify with that? You know, those times when all of your peers are drinking and loudly jeering at each other, and you have to decide if you will join them, or truly be bold in your witness for Jesus Christ? Those times when you’re in a crowded restaurant along with a business partner that you took to lunch, but then it comes time for you to decide whether to publicly pray over your food, or not? Those times when you feel pressured by your spouse and the kids to not attend church so that you could go to the beach with them. Those conversations where you must decide whether to truly represent Christ, or join in with fellow employees and the off-color jokes they feel so proud of? Friends, through Jesus’ example, we can appreciate why it is so important to be bold and obey our Father’s will, instead of timid and doing what we know would make us comfortable and happy, at least in the world’s eyes. Jesus showed us how He was brave in the face of His enemies (Pilate and all those who judged Him) and He was not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each day you and I are judged by our coworkers, our friends and our family. Some of us may be considered a ‘Jesus freak’; some, a ‘religious fanatic’, and some may even be looked upon as having lost their sense of reality, compared to mankind today. But I believe that it is time for us to answer the same question that Jesus posed to His disciples: ‘But whom do you say that I am’. For you see, I believe that depending on our response to that question, we will determine how committed we are to being bold, and not timid; brave and not ashamed. Jesus is the One who gives us the power to overcome the world, but we must decide in our own hearts if we will let Him.


BLESSINGS WORTH NOTING: We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us and gives us power to overcome the world!


PRAYER BECAUSE OF THE IMPACT OF TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: Lord, You made the way for us to enter heaven, and You lived the life to demonstrate to us how we could live now, with our hearts and minds fixed on eternal life with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Thankfully, in Your Word, You also showed us men like Paul who lived life in full obedience to Your commands and ministered to others who needed You, no matter what the outcome might be. Unfortunately, today we are timid because we’re afraid of being challenged about our faith. We tend to be ashamed because of the mockery sinners choose to impress upon us when we refuse to do the wicked things they promote or go along with their mockery of the things of Christ. Please Lord, embolden us with Your power and teach us to stand for the things we believe in. Help us to apply the lessons we learn in church and in Your Word to the world at large when we encounter their wickedness. As children of the King, I believe we must learn to live in truest form like a prince so that the world will catch a glimpse of royalty, truth and love in its perfect sense. This will require us to be bold and brave, but I am convinced that You can do all things through those who place their faith and trust in You. Let others see Jesus in action dear Lord, for Your sake and for Your glory. AMEN!


FOOTNOTE: There’s another page on my website, entitled ‘To Know Jesus’. If you have been challenged to make a decision today after reading or listening to this devotional, please go to this page, or speak with a local Bible Teaching Pastor, or contact me at Please allow someone to pray with you and give you help and/or encouragement as you begin or continue your walk with Jesus. If you would like to read more of my devotionals, or subscribe for a daily email containing each new devotional, please go online to For my podcast, go online to Apple Podcasts or, using the Apple Podcast app, simply search for Nuggets From God’s Word to hear more episodes, or click ‘Follow’ to be notified of Podcast updates. Friends, please allow me to encourage you to find a church home near by your home and attend as frequently as you could. Get to know God and allow His people to encourage and strengthen you in your Christian walk, while making every effort to be a blessing to them. God is at work among His people! Please consider growing in your faith, as you worship with fellow believers!

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