BFC offers a robust ministry for Children centered on God’s Word taught in a caring atmosphere where every child is loved as a unique gift from God. Pastor Chris and Dana Hadden head this ministry as well as our Hope Ministries outreach.
Contact Children’s Ministry Leaders Pastor Chris and Dana Hadden at (863) 381-9645
Children’s Hubs
Sunday Ministries
Our full program of classes for every age is offered on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM. Bring your kids to either hour for a full range of ministries to Children from infant to 5th grade. Our ministries feature a lively blend of music, Scripture and fun activities.
- Nursery – Newborn up to age 3 (if not potty trained)
- Pre-School – 3yrs and potty trained to Kindergarten
- Elementary – 1st grade thru 5th grade
Hope Ministry
Hope Ministry is headed by Pastor Chris and Dana Hadden and is designed for outreach to various neighborhoods in our community, as well as partnership with Heartland Christian Academy and other local organizations. The Haddens take Children’s Ministries on the road to reach children all over our community who may not have the opportunity to attend church regularly. Want more info? Call the Haddens at the number above.
Wednesday Night Olympians and Gopher Buddies
On Wednesday nights, Olympians and Gopher Buddies help children grow in knowledge of the scriptures, while having tons of fun.
- Gopher Buddies – 3yrs old and potty trained to Kindergarten
- Olympians – 1st grade thru 5th grade
Olympians & Gopher Buddies starts at 5:15 p.m. and concludes at 7:30 p.m. This season begins Wednesday, August 14th and takes place in our building, on our playground and in a specially designated and barriered area of our grass paved parking space. Want more information? Call Chris or Dana to get the answers you need! Register your child ahead of time by clicking: REGISTER HERE!
Our Commitment to Safety
BFC is committed to the safety and security of every child entrusted to our care. Toward that end, we have established the following procedures to ensure the safety of your child while involved in BFC Ministries:
- All staff and volunteers working with or around our children are background checked, trained, and required to do regular follow up with our child safety protocols. These protocols are designed to help keep your children safe while being ministered to at Bible Fellowship.
- Our facility is under constant video surveillance which is monitored while services are being held.
- Security personnel are on hand to monitor inside our facility and outside the building on our grounds while children are on campus.
Dedication of Children to the Lord
BFC believes that it is of great value to parents and children to dedicate children to the Lord. What does this mean? It means that parents make a solemn commitment before the Lord and the congregation to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. At the same time, the congregation commits to lift these little ones up in prayer and to provide spiritual resources to bring them up in the Faith. Interested in dedicating your children to the Lord? Contact Pastor Todd for more information: