I called on the Lord, and He saved me from….. It is clear to see that many of us have encountered challenges in one form or the other over our lifetime. Have you arrived at the stage yet where you have found that God is the only one that can save you, rescue you, protect you and be your comfort in times of distress when you see no way out of your circumstances? It you’re still struggling with this, stay tuned to be reminded how David found strength in the name of the Lord!


TRANSLATION: New Living Translation (NLT)


BIBLE TEXT:  1I love you, Lord; you are my strength.  2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.  He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.  3 I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.


APPLICATION: As I meditated on these verses today, my heart immediately started to sing ‘I love You Lord, and Your mercies never fail me’. I included the link so that you might let that play in the background as you meditate on the Scripture and possibly this devotional. What a comfort to know that no matter whether we will enter a day on a ‘high note’ where we enjoy only the blessings of God, or whether its a day where we struggle to enjoy the blessings because of the challenges of life we are facing, yet we KNOW that our Lord never fails us, for He is always faithful to His own. You may feel like you’re in the struggle alone, but if you read the Scripture verses again, you will see that David – a man after God’s own heart, endured some very real struggles where his life was on the line and there seemed like no way out. Unlike us, where we might turn to the internet or the airways for a nice song that will comfort us, or call our pastor to pray with us, or drive down to the church which has always been a place of refuge for us, but David was often in the wilderness by himself, or in a place where he didn’t know if he could trust anyone else to help him. You see, David seemed to have often been in circumstances like we are when laid on our backs unable to move, we have no choice but to look up. Because of David’s relationship with God, and the faith he had developed in God over his life, he confidently called on the Lord to rescue him from Saul, to protect him in the cliff of the mountain where Saul himself came searching, and when faced with Saul’s elite army. Friends, David had gone through a lifetime of trust in God for all his needs, and especially depended on God to protect him, therefore at critical times he knew in whom He believed and in whom he could place his trust. Can you do the same dear Brother and/or Sister. This is the only real way of handling life’s challenges, for few of us can call in an army, or rush to the hospital, or order in the servants to help us. It’s all about Jesus my friend! He alone can rescue us from the tyranny of evil in this life and the forces of Satan that will constantly bombard the believer in Jesus Christ. For those who may not know my Savior, let me encourage you today to meet my Him, and be drawn into an intimate relationship with Him. Only He can save you from your sins; love you unconditionally; protect you from every temptation and struggle in life; and have a home prepared for you in heaven after your life here on earth is over. Thank You Lord Jesus, that Your mercies never fail me!


PRAYER: Dearest Lord Jesus, may I always sing of Your goodness and Your mercies that You faithfully bless me with each day of my life. Please draw my readers and I to You, and find peace and contentment in knowing You, so that even when we encounter times of trouble and distress, we will be reminded of Your love, Your faithfulness, Your goodness, and Your never ending mercies to us. Lord, we have family, neighbors and friends who desperately need You as Lord of their lives. In Your goodness today, please encourage these and draw them to Yourself so that they may find joy in the strength of the Lord. Have Your way in our lives today Lord, and may Your unending mercies always be our comfort. AMEN!

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