It is often said that gossip travels like wild fire, but in our Scripture today we are told about how people reacted to hearing news about Jesus coming to their town. As we meditate, let us think about the news our local residents receive from our churches. Is it sufficient to convince them of their need for our Savior? Please consider entering into the heart of the Scriptures with me today!


DATE: Thursday, 2021-11-11

BY: Ed Algreen


Bible Reference: John 12-9-11
Translation: Living Bible (TLB)


Bible Text: 9 When the ordinary people of Jerusalem heard of his arrival, they flocked to see him and also to see Lazarus—the man who had come back to life again. 10 Then the chief priests decided to kill Lazarus too, 11 for it was because of him that many of the Jewish leaders had deserted and believed in Jesus as their Messiah.


APPLICATION: If a concerned church elder stood before a church congregation and told them about misappropriation of funds by church leaders, or an extramarital affair by the pastor, that news will spread over all the town before the end of that service. But isn’t it interesting how our pastor stands in that same church each Sunday and declares the saving grace of Jesus Christ, and the simple steps necessary for the sinner, who is headed to the pits of Hell, could otherwise be totally converted from a life of sin into the Kingdom of heaven, and our lips are sealed when we meet up with unsaved family and friends? Nothing about that is texted out to a friend about to enter eternity without Christ. Nothing about that is shared around the dinner table with unsaved family members. Our lips are sealed at work because we don’t want our coworkers to think that we’ve become a religious fanatic. How would we respond to God when we enter Heaven’s gates and are held accountable for our part in saving our family and friends? I wonder, what words we might have for those lost friends who may look up from the torment of Hell and question us about our silence? When a hurricane, or deathly storm, approaches, some of our friends decide not to evacuate, as ordered by the authorities, but we would never think about not alerting our neighbors about an approaching deadly storm. Can’t you see that it’s the same dilemma if we fail to share the good news of Jesus Christ with our neighbors, family and friends? But unless I remain negative about this Scripture today, please refresh yourself on what the towns people and community leaders did in response to hearing about the visit of Jesus! They flocked to see Him! I remember at one time joining others in cottage prayer meetings to pray for our unsaved friends to attend a series of revival services. What a joy it was to attend those services and watch the Lord deal in the hearts of those precious friends who showed up! Perhaps if we share the good news of Jesus with those we care about, and invite them to join us at church, they too will gladly come to hear more about Jesus. What could possibly be stopping us from showing how much we care? A serious, deadly storm is coming dear friends, it’s called Judgment Day. Are we content to seek shelter just for ourselves and not worry about those we love and care for? No matter how little we know the Bible, or how educated we are, simply share what Jesus has done for you and assure your friends that He will gladly do the same for them. They need to know your Savior, not necessarily what He did for Moses, or David or Paul, etc. As they hear about your God, they will desire to know more about the God talked about in the Bible!


PRAYER: Oh dear God, please speak to the hearts of Your children today, and start with me. Make us keenly aware of all that You have done for us, and that You continue to bless us with. Please remind us of the love You have for us, and the love and response that would normally pour out of those filled with Your love. Embolden us to act upon Your Word and to share the love of Christ that is blessing us beyond anything we deserve. Oh that none will be left behind, as we share Your love and saving grace with all that we know and associate with. AMEN!

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